my profile

Amal Sarkar

Software engineer /Data scientist

“[God] loves us because He is filled with an infinite measure of holy, pure, and indescribable love. We are important to God not because of our résumé but because we are His children. He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken. God's love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked.

personal info

name: Amal Sarkar E-mail: phone number: +(91) 700 224 0735 website:
Who am i?
I am Data Scientist by profession. Building next genetaion AI/ML data Soluton. Like to solve problems for large.
What I'm really good at?
Basically speaking I don't know. Taking statics of my current work I am good in Data Analytics, Solving AI/ML realated problem for Business.
How can you contact me?
You can always contact me via email or phone. Or may be direct meet which is prior shedule. In any case just drop a message, will get back to you.
What is my hobbies
Listening music, watching movies and reading books.

Here's what i'm doing

“There were 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days.”

Data Platform

Building the next generation cognitive dataplatform. Handles Terabytes of data. Fast processing time.

cognitive search

Search tool based on AI / Deep learning for extacting relavent information. Solve ambiguity in search result.

AI Tools

Creating diffent AI tools that will help in people's day to day life. Automative system that reduces human effort.

BI Tools

Working on Building Data Driven Business Integenece tools. Solve complex buiseness problems and give insight to business.

technical skills

We're all different, so even though someone is getting a skill before you, it doesn't mean that you're not good enough; it just means you have to wait a little bit, and the skill will come when it comes.

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Data Analytics

other skills

Distinctively implement granular e-commerce whereas business innovation. Rapidiously unleash viral niches vis-a-vis real-time catalysts.

work experiences

Professionally expedite orthogonal deliverables with emerging best practices. Uniquely leverage other's robust core competencies.


( Nov. 2019 : Present ) Data Scientist 2

Buildine next gen NLP corporate solution. Involvement in end to end product developemnt.


( June. 2018 : Oct 2019 ) Data Scientist

Working with Data Science team for building next generation data platform for large scale data solution.

Nuchange Informatics

( Feb. 2018 : May. 2018 ) Software Engineer

Worked at Nuchange Inforamtics as a Software Engineer for development of health care solution using open source technologies i,e, OpenERP, OpenMRS

Promptcloud technologies

( May 2017 : Nov. 2017 ) Software Engineer

Worked at PromptCloud as a Software Engineer in the development project on Customized Web Crawling, Web Scraping and Data Extraction.

"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just set there."

- Will Rogers -

- Kenny John -

UI designer

Professionally expedite clicks-and-mortar methods of empowerment through excellent convergence. Efficiently strategize user friendly e-commerce before technically sound interfaces. Professionally harness one-to-one outsourcing whereas future-proof.

- Will hans -

Ux designer

Assertively innovate technically sound process improvements with best-of-breed users. Seamlessly matrix dynamic processes rather than multimedia based scenarios. Seamlessly myocardinate front-end e-commerce vis-a-vis state of the art core competencies. Energistically create intermandated models.

- william hannah -

visual designer

Globally integrate resource maximizing information through economically sound results. Enthusiastically generate functionalized applications rather than quality imperatives. Monotonectally deploy integrated products.

- Adams kidman -

web developer

Compellingly evolve future-proof total linkage via team driven information. Authoritatively maximize B2C paradigms rather than diverse channels. Dynamically pontificate B2C solutions whereas enterprise human capital. Interactively incentivize client-focused e-services.

- Jessie J -

ui / ux designer

Credibly aggregate low-risk high-yield opportunities after e-business expertise. Distinctively brand front-end sources with bricks-and-clicks supply chains. Rapidiously engineer ubiquitous e-commerce rather than virtual process.

Get in touch

Plaese do feel free to contact me.

call me

( +91 ) 700 214 0725

Send a message

Visit me

Dag Homes, Kundanahalli

Work time

Mon - Fri : 07.00 - 16.00